9930 Johnnycake Ridge Rd, Suite 2G 44060
Concord, OH
44060 USA

The Pitfalls of the Expert Search

August 3, 2020

Yes, knowing that you need an appropriately qualified expert is the first step in properly investigating the merits of your case, and connecting with the right expert is an investment that pays off starting with record review, all the way through to trial. Let Saponaro, Inc. assist you from the beginning, so you avoid these common mistakes.



To Serve and Protect

July 6, 2020

Law enforcement is an integral part of our communities.  They ensure justice for over 8 million crimes a year and are responsible for 10 million arrests per year. Respect for police has been waning in recent years as methods of enforcement are increasingly called into question.  The perception of police as overzealous and abusive has eroded public trust and confidence.

In the last decade, 85,000 police officers have been investigated.  Reporters from USA TODAY and the nonprofit invisible Institute spent more than a year compiling records of police misconduct throughout the United States.

The records obtained include more than 110,000 internal affairs investigations by hundreds of individual departments and more than 30,000 officers who were decertified by 44 state oversight agencies. (more…)


Corona Virus Ravaging Nursing Homes

May 27, 2020


As we continue to wind through the coronavirus, the most obvious cases of infection have centered around our nursing homes. There is no doubt that nursing homes and similar group living facilities are in a difficult position. USA TODAY reports that a minimum of 2300 long-term care facilities in 37 states have reported positive cases of COVID-19 and that over 3000 residents had died. Because the infection spreads rapidly and is not always symptomatic, nursing homes that exercise reasonable care may still experience an outbreak. USA TODAY also reports that before the pandemic, 75% of nursing homes had been cited for failing to properly monitor and control infection in the past three years.

Elderly and immuno-compromised individuals are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 and whether the facility that they reside in is responsible for their infection requires a thorough investigation. (more…)


How to expand your practice with one phone call.

March 26, 2020

Expanding your practice can come with many hurdles. We can help you grow by taking the workload off your desk and allowing you to focus on the practice of law. Outsourcing leads to higher efficiency and productivity, with the ability to meet deadlines and to start new projects quickly and at lower operational costs. These advantages help level the playing field by giving smaller firms and solo practitioners the same economy of scale in regard to efficiency and expertise, without an increased payroll.

Saponaro, Inc. has developed a menu of services to assist in all aspects of litigation support including our:



Breast Implant Complications May Lead to Harm

October 23, 2019

What is a breast implant?

A breast implant is an implanted device used to augment existing breast tissue for cosmetic purposes or to reconstruct the breast after surgery such as mastectomy. Litigation from alleged harm due to breast implants is not new, but recently a new form of lymphoma thought to be associated with implants added to concerns over the safety of these devices, which have also included implant rupture and contracture.

In 2018, silicone implant breast augmentation was the #1 performed plastic surgery for women in the United States, with 928,914 procedures performed. Implants range from round to oval to teardrop shape to best approximate the patient’s natural shape and may contain silicone or saline. Both silicone and saline implants have an outer shell made from silicone. Some implants have a smooth surface, others have a textured surface thought to stabilize the implant and decrease scar tissue formation.


Fig 1 Breast implants (image courtesy FDA; https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/implants-and-prosthetics/breast-implants, accessed 6/1/19)




Recent Medical Malpractice Cases in the US

September 12, 2019

It can happen even if you are treated by the most skilled physician at best hospital the state has to offer. Leaving lasting scars, disabilities, a lifetime of pain or even death, medical malpractice can destroy a patient’s life. It is little wonder why tragic mistakes lead to serious lawsuits.

Here are recent medical malpractice cases that have resulted in large settlements: (more…)


Death of an Expert Witness & Other Reasons to Replace Experts

November 26, 2018

What to do with the death of an expert witness

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in a case, and many times your expert’s testimony will determine whether you win or lose the case. It’s a make or break situation, and you depend on trustworthy, reliable expert witnesses.

But what happens when an expert witness backs out of your case for some unforeseen event or circumstance? Or you encounter hesitancy or difficulty in trying to schedule your expert for trial? And worst-case scenario: what happens with the death of an expert witness?



Expert Testimonies in Top Television Shows: Realistic or Ridiculous?

November 19, 2018

Expert testimonies in television

For those who love watching television, there’s no shortage of binge-worthy legal dramas out there right now. Hollywood seems to produce one hit after another, and there’s something about a cast of characters centered around jury trials and court depositions that captivates audiences. Is it the drama? The suspense? The pure ridiculousness?

As a professional in the legal industry, you probably critique every legal drama you watch. “That would never happen,” you say as you roll your eyes. Sometimes, however, you may watch a show that’s more realistic than ridiculous, and it may even give you ideas for your next trial.



What NOT to Do When Hiring Expert Witnesses

October 1, 2018

Hiring expert witnesses

Let’s talk hiring expert witnesses. If you’re either considering finding one for a case, or you’ve already been down the road of hiring expert witnesses, each experience is a learning opportunity.

The Internet is swamped with articles on how to hire an expert witness, when you should hire an expert witness, and what expert witnesses do. But what about mistakes to avoid? Even in this area, you can learn from others’ mistakes.



How to Ensure an Expert Testimony is Accurate

September 27, 2018

How to ensure an expert testimony is accurate

You already know that it takes a specifically qualified individual to be a strong expert witness, and that choosing the right expert witness can make or break your case. However, when attempting to hire an expert witness on your own, you might spend hours and hours locating a potential expert, not including the vetting process, and end up with an expert witness whose testimony is far from sufficient.

So, how do you make sure an expert is the right choice for your case and that their expert testimony and/or opinion is what is needed for a successful outcome? Start with the characteristics of the ideal testifying expert witness below.
