9930 Johnnycake Ridge Rd, Suite 2G 44060
Concord, OH
44060 USA

Who we are: Saponaro, Inc.

March 14, 2023

Wondering why Saponaro, Inc. is the right choice for your case? Listen to owner Guy Saponaro explain.

Let’s talk about your case:


Sedentary Attorneys: Beware the Dangers of Sitting

January 16, 2023

By Dr. Joel K. Kahn

This article addresses what I call sederericide (killing oneself by excessive sitting).

I am a cardiologist addicted to standing. I use a standing desk when I see patients at my office. I use a standing desk at home. When we used to go to conferences I was always the guy in the back of the room pacing back and forth rather than sitting. When we use to fly I was the guy by the exit row standing and squatting. Are you that attorney with the same issue? (more…)


New Standard in Stroke Treatment: What it Means for Hospital Liability

October 13, 2022

Stroke treatment and hospital liabiltiy

Know the Signs of Stroke and Call 9-1-1 if you or someone else has any of the symptoms

Until recently, the only treatment shown in clinical trials to improve the prognosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke was IV tPA. The FDA approved Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator, or IV tPA, in 1996. Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator, or IV tPA. IV tPA works for Ischemic Strokes—the most common type of stroke in which a blood clot stops blood flow to part of the brain. (more…)


What We Know about Hiring an Accident Reconstruction Expert

September 15, 2022

Is Hiring an Expert Worth It?

Car crashes and accidents are a leading cause of injury and death, especially in the US. When litigation involves an auto accident, hiring an Accident Reconstruction Expert is a surefire way to strengthen the case, but attorneys often wonder, “is it worth the cost?” (more…)


The Top 8 Emergency Room Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them

August 11, 2022


Medical Mistakes Happen

Emergency Room (ER) errors can lead to serious patient harm, and a wrong diagnosis or administrative mistake early on could lead to a cascade of health problems down the line. (more…)


Forensic Toxicologist—4 Ways They Assist in Personal Injury Cases

June 17, 2022

4 Examples of a Forensics Toxicologist Helping a Case

What is Forensic Toxicology?

The role of a forensic toxicologist is to test for the presence of drugs or toxins in bodily fluid and tissue.

By understanding how various medications, narcotics, chemical elements, and compounds impact the human body, a forensic toxicologist can interpret drug dosages, identify interactions between medications, and explain the harm of various environmental toxins.



The Role of A Law Enforcement Expert Witness

April 11, 2022

Police Sirens

A Commitment to Serve

In 1955, the Los Angeles Police Department coined the now-popular phrase, “To Protect and Serve”. By 1963, this ethos became the official motto of the LAPD and was later adopted by other law enforcement agencies—concisely stating their mission to the public.

But law enforcement professionals are just as liable to commit negligence and malpractice as the rest of humanity, and pledging to protect and serve does not necessarily mean they will. (more…)


Expert Witness Fees Infographic: How Much Does an Expert Witness Really Cost?

March 11, 2022

expert witness fees

Expert Witness Fees

Expert witness fees can pile up fast, especially for high-cost medical experts. Many expert witness referral companies bill at an hourly rate and charge clients each time they interact with a provided expert witness. By providing their service in this way, they often add an extra 20-40% on top of their expert’s hourly rates.

At Saponaro, Inc. we connect attorneys to top expert witnesses for a flat referral fee, rather than marking up hourly rates. As a result, attorneys who use our services save money by working directly with the expert witness they need at a cost established by that expert—not us!



Cell Phone Related Car Accident? How an Expert Witnesses Can Help.

January 25, 2022

saponaro cell phone accident expert witness

Driving Distracted

Americans spend an average screen time of 5.4 hours on their mobile phones daily.

There are many reasons car accidents occur. If, however, an individual is involved in a car accident while using a cell phone, they have a higher probability of being sued for driver negligence. 

Whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant, an expert witness can provide the expertise required to scientifically prove who is at fault in a car accident case.



Medical Record Chronology

January 12, 2022

Medical Records

If you would like to see our redacted medical record chronology samples, call to schedule a free consultation, 800-327-3026.

A medical record chronology is an outline of medical events presented in chronological order. Creating an accurate, concise medical chronology as part of a review of voluminous or complex medical records can be challenging. Producing a medical chronology is part detective work, part analysis, and part communication. It requires determining what is relevant in the medical record and organizing that information into a succinct document of the facts.

It is a crucial part of any medical-legal case, and a good medical chronology provides facts and sources to assist expert witnesses in determining merit and damages in a timely and cost-effective manner, without the need for an expert to review a page by page record, until it has been determined that the case has merit.  

Our nurse consultants review medical records for individual cases such as personal injury, medical malpractice, nursing home, drug and medical devices, product liability, and all cases where voluminous records get in the way of determining whether or not the case is worth pursuing and/or the specific damages associated with negligent acts.

An accurate medical record chronology requires reading through hundreds of pages of an individual’s medical records to summarize the relevant events in sequential order. Our medical record chronologies present verbatim health information in an objective manner, while taking care to focus on information relevant to the specific facts of your case.

The benefits of a Medical Chronology are:

  • Send medical record chronologies to experts to reduce their review time
  • Increase efficiency by evaluating cases faster
  • Use as a reference tool before and during depositions, mediation, negotiations, and trial
  • Objective information direct from the medical record
  • An objective tool in settlement discussions
  • Exclude duplicative records or discover missing records.
  • Highlight the Significant point of medical evidence.

For more information about medical record chronologies for medical record reviews and pricing, or if you would like to see redacted samples of our medical record chronologies or set up a free consultation, contact us today.